 A Model of Development
 Stages of Development
 Cognitive Maps
 Consulting Services
 Talks, Workshops, Coaching 
 About Us
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All unusual terms on this website are explained in detail in the Glossary.
We suggest you print it for reference
while reading our papers. Press the Glossary link above for a copy.
  This section contains detailed descriptions of our 28 Talks, 23 Work-
shops, 4 Skill-Building Programs, and Executive Coaching. They are introduced in the first paper, “General Information.”

These Talks, Workshops, and Skill-Building Programs are designed for owners, directors, executives, managers, project-managers, and supervisors of all levels of experience, in all parts of all organizations of every size within any industry, both for profit and not-for-profit. All the topics except the first two (see below) are also suitable for employees.

Those fairly new to management will find excellent introductions to the key areas they need to master. More experienced managers will gain advanced ideas and methods they are unlikely to find anywhere else.

Please read the “General Information” paper first. It will make the other papers much more understandable. It also fills in the rest of the information that is common to all our Talks, Workshops, and Skill-Building Programs.
  Contents of This Section  
  Here are the papers containing the material for this section of the website. Each Talk, Workshop, and Skill-Building Program is described in detail in its respective paper. The papers are in pdf format for convenience in printing. Please press the View button next to the title of each paper to view and print it. We suggest printing, rather than reading on the screen.
 “General Information about Our Talks, Workshops,
   & Programs”
    • Who They Are For
    • The Seven Topics They Are Organized In
    • What They Are Like: Their Focus, Format, Style, & Customization
    • Evidence of Their Quality, What the Materials Are Based On
    • A Holonarchy of Learning: Knowledge, Skill, & Development
    • The Differences Between a Talk, a Workshop, & a Skill Program
    • Formats: Group Size, Length, Components of a Skill-Program
  Topic A. Managers & Management
1. The Root Dilemma for Managers & How to Resolve It
2. Understanding the Job of Management: A New, Complete Map
3. Developmental Stages of Management
4. Being an Effective Change-Agent: The Key Interpersonal Skill
5. What to Focus Your Efforts On: A Short List for Managers
  Topic B. Organizational Issues in General
6. What Do Organizations Really Want & What Should They Want?
7. What it Takes to Be a Real Organization
8. Planning, Forming, & Launching a New Organization or Project
9. Who Are Your Stakeholders, & What Do They Really Want?
  Topic C. Organizational Design & Structure
10. Introduction to Organizational Design & Structure
11. Coordination in Organizations: Linking Pins
  Topic D. Information & Communication
12. Information Quality
13. The Dirty Dozen: Twelve Disasters in Listening
14. The Truth about Feedback & its Applications in Organizations
15. The Right Media to Use for Messages
16. Information Theory
  Topic E. Planning
17. Problem Solving
18. Goals: Planning & Achieving
19. MBO: Management by Objective & Self-Control
20. Strategic Planning
21. Environmental Strategic-Planning
  Topic F. Improving the Quality of Your Thinking
22. Knowledge versus Skill versus Development
23. General Systems Theory for Management & Organizations
24. Holonarchies & Logical Class: Tools for Clear Thinking
25. Evaluating and Improving Your Cognitive Maps
26. Bewitched by Language
Topic G. Emotional Skills
27. Coping with Overwhelm
28. Understanding, Recognizing, Expressing, & Improving Feelings
  Topic A. Managers & Management
1. A Managerial Tuneup
2. The Root Dilemma for Managers & How to Resolve It
3. Understanding the Job of Management: A Complete Map
4. Developmental Stages of Management
5. Being an Effective Change-Agent: The Key Interpersonal Skill
  Topic B. Organizational Issues in General
6. Developmental Stages of Organizations
  Topic C. Organizational Design & Structure
7. Introduction to Organizational Design & Structure
  Topic D. Collaboration & Relationships
8. How to Plan & Conduct Effective Meetings
  Topic E. Information & Communication
9. Introduction to the Art of Communication
10. Information Quality
11. The Dirty Dozen: Twelve Disasters in Listening
12. Nonverbal Communication
13. Feedback & its Applications in Organizations
  Topic F. Planning
14. Problems, Goals, & Decisions: Critical Skills
15. Problem Solving
16. Goals: Planning & Achieving
17. Assessing the Quality of Your Objectives
18. MBO: Management by Objective & Self-Control
19. Environmental Strategic-Planning
Topic G. Improving the Quality of Your Thinking
20. Evaluating and Improving Your Cognitive Maps
Topic H. Emotional Skills
21. Coping with Overwhelm
22. Anger: The Unnecessary Emotion
23. Beyond Self-Esteem: Dissolving Self-Image Problems
 “Skill-Building Programs”  
1. Developing Managers & Building Core Skills
2. Skills to Plan & Conduct Effective Meetings
3. The Art of Communication
4. Planning, Problem Solving, & Decision-Making
 “Executive Coaching”  
    • The benefits and value of having an Executive Coach
    • The 4 separate services we include in our Executive Coaching
    • My qualifications as an Executive Coach
Developmental Consulting, Inc., Copyright ©2005-2010 Dennis Emberling