 A Model of Development
 Stages of Development
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All unusual terms on this website are explained in detail in the Glossary.
We suggest you print it for reference
while reading our papers. Press the Glossary link above for a copy.
  The purpose of this section is to answer the questions of potential clients about our company and our work. It details what our work is based on and how we have used it in practice with our clients. It spells out the pedigree of our work, where it came from, how it was devel-
oped, and the evidence of its quality and value.
  Contents of This Section  
  Here are the papers containing the material for this section of the website. They are in pdf format for convenience in printing. Please press the View button next to the title of each paper to view & print it.
 “Our Contributions to the Development of Our Profession
     & Its Underlying Disciplines”
      This paper provides our background and qualifications. It details the research and development we’ve done over the past twenty-six years and the resulting contributions to our profession and field. It summarizes the current and historical state of the management professions (including consultants and coaches), the training industry, and the management and organizational sciences. It introduces five, little-known, sophisticated, theoretical disciplines that underlie our work and examples of how we derived our methods and tools from these roots.
 “What Kind of Management Consultants Are You?”  
      The term “management consulting” has become debased coinage over the years. Nobody knows what it means anymore. This paper explains and differentiates the four, very different kinds of service that are all called “management consulting.” It identifies the category that we belong to. It also details the advantages of our “Type 4" consulting. This paper will help managers become informed consumers of consulting services.
 “Our Clients & Our Results”  
      This paper gives a brief account of who has benefited from our work. It also describes some of the results we’re most proud of.
Developmental Consulting, Inc., Copyright ©2005-2010 Dennis Emberling